A Level | Physics – Leighton Park

A Level in Physics

Exam Board:  AQA GCE Physics A

Will the course suit me?

You will need to have a good GCSE grade in Physics (at least Level 6) and be competent at maths in order to do well on the course.  A Level maths is strongly recommended to support the A Level Physics course.

A Level Physics is recommended by the Physics department for students who are very likely to apply to university to study Physics, Engineering or Mathematics and whose strengths clearly lie in the area of Physics/Mathematics.

Course Description

These qualifications are linear. Linear means that students will sit all the AS exams at the end of their AS course and all the A Level exams at the end of their A Level course.

Subject content

1        Measurements and their errors

2       Particles and radiation

3       Waves

4      Mechanics and materials

5       Electricity

6      Further mechanics and thermal physics

7       Fields and their consequences

8      Nuclear physics

Options (to be decided by the department)

Turning points in Physics (including Special Relativity and the historical development of Quantum Theory)

Benefits of the course

An A Level in Physics is highly regarded by universities. It is a good training in clear, logical thinking and in applied Mathematics. Physicists are in short supply at the present time and so are valued highly by employers and universities.

Outside the classroom

  • Particle Physics Masterclass at Oxford University.
  • Space School at the University of Kent.
  • ‘Headstart’ taster university courses for a week at the end of the Lower Sixth, in Science and Engineering.

Future Opportunities

A Level Physics is a very good basis for university courses in Physics, Maths, Engineering, Architecture, and Medicine. Many Physics graduates go on to work in accountancy and finance, as well as in the areas of science and technology. Bursaries are available at universities to encourage students to study Physics at a higher level.


ComponentAssessmentWeightingMarks & duration
Paper 1

Sections 1 – 5 and 6.1 (Periodic motion)

Exam – 60 marks of short and long answer questions and 25 marks of multiple choice questions on content34%85 marks

2 hours

Paper 2

Sections 6.2 (Thermal Physics), 7 and 8

Assumed Knowledge from sections 1 to 6.1

Written Exam – 60 marks of short and long answer questions and 25 marks of multiple choice questions on content34%85 marks

2 hours

Paper 3

Section A:  Compulsory section: Practical and data analysis

Section B:  Students enter for one of sections 9 or 12

Written Exam –

45 marks of short and long answer questions on practical experiments and data analysis

35 marks of short and long answer questions on optional topic.

32%80 marks

2 hours


If you have any queries about this course, please contact Head of Department: Simon Booth

To apply for our Sixth Form, please see our Admissions page.



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