Outreach and Partnerships

Developing kind and compassionate leaders for the future is an important part of how we give our Quaker values currency and purpose. Our mutually beneficial partnerships with community and educational organisations give us insight, strength and courage to look within and strive for a fairer, better society. A Leighton Park education seeks to provide a world class academic education, whilst nurturing compassion, resilience and a determination to take on the challenges of the modern world.

Award-winning commitment to community involvement
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Leighton Park leads the UK for its commitment to outreach and partnership work, winning the prestigious national Independent Schools Association (ISA) Award for Outstanding Community Involvement in 2021 and 2020, the only time a school has won an ISA award two years running. The efforts of our staff, students and their families in supporting a variety of local initiatives have been generous and heart-felt and we are pleased that they have been acknowledged in this way.

Leighton Park has also been shortlisted for the 2022 Independent School of the Year Award for Community Outreach. Watch the video to find out more.

Learn more about our partnerships work +
Independent School of the Year shortlisted

Values with purpose

Our vibrant learning community strives to give the School's Quaker values currency and purpose.
Values with purpose

Educational Partnerships

Leighton Park has formed close educational partnerships, working together to raise attainment.
Educational Partnerships

Community Partnerships

Leighton Park has a Community Partnership with Whitley Community Development Association.
Community Partnerships
Big sleep out

Outreach at Leighton Park is not just a co-curricular option - it is embedded in the School, fostered and cultivated within our Quaker values. I know the School will continue to engage students, staff and parents in outreach activities and there is no doubt, due to the innovation, dynamism and kindness of Leighton Park, that community contribution will continue to grow.

International Partnerships

Leighton Park works closely with two international partners, one in Tanzania and one in Uganda. Our students return to the same communities every two years allowing us to build successful relationships of trust and respect over the years and to make a genuine difference to the lives of children financially less fortunate than our own students.

In Uganda we work with the Jinja Education Trust (JET). The JET charity aims to improve the education, training and welfare of young people in Uganda so they can go on to acquire the necessary skills for a successful and fulfilling life. The group runs several schools and nurseries so our students have had the opportunity to visit local orphanages and spending time in the local community. Examples of projects have been painting classrooms and outreach and exchange projects with local schools.


The Livingstone Tanzania Trust supports local communities by providing tools and knowledge to create opportunities and prevent families from living in poverty. As well as fundraising, students have worked on projects such as building a cow shed, six handwashing stations and fencing off the fish pond at a primary school.

“I think for me, one of the most valuable things I have learnt from this experience is to have greater appreciation for what I have in day-to-day life, as well as also making me develop a better work ethic.” commented Paddy (Upper Sixth).

“Going to Tanzania was such an incredible experience; to get a different perspective and to see that our way of living isn’t necessarily the right way of life.” added Millie (Lower Sixth).


The recent ISA award for Outstanding Local Community Involvement is a much deserved tribute to the extensive community service undertaken by LP students and staff.  It is a good point at which to look back at earlier examples of community involvement and social action in the school.

Although the term ‘community service’ was not in regular use until the 1940s, there is much evidence that the pupils were engaged in all manner of activities of service to the local and more distant communities from a very early stage in the school’s history.

It can indeed be claimed that openness to the outside world, awareness of social problems and an active involvement in community work were ‘baked into’ the school at its foundation. In 1886 , four years before Leighton Park opened, Quakers gathered for a conference entitled ‘Our Need of a New Public School’.  They wished to avoid the danger of just being another public school producing young people of ‘polished emptiness and gilded conceit’. Keen to set a tone among governors, staff and pupils that would be far from one of ‘conceited folly’, they  discussed various ways in which the development of character could be one of the central functions- suppressing ‘the pernicious habit of ornamental loafing’ and encouraging boys to ‘cover their trouser with sawdust in the workshop and mud in the field… by being thus alert we need make no snobs.’

Leightonians’ capacity for work outside their own school community was very much in evidence during the First and Second World Wars. As well as digging up parts of the park for growing potatoes and other vegetables, they worked in local gardens,  and visited farms to help with food production. Many pupils worked as volunteers during the summer. In WW1 the boys made hundreds of splints to be given to the war wounded. By the time WW11 broke out, the school had an established Forestry group, and parties of boys and staff went as far afield as Shropshire and Devon to offer their services.

Many boys were trained as ambulance first-aiders, and others assisted with the distribution of telegrams throughout Reading.

Geography teacher Bill Brown (LP staff 1923-46) was a tireless promoter of service to the local community. He was a genial character who did much to foster links with the young people of the Whitley Estate, notably through the Scouts, Sea Scouts and the ‘Lads Club’ which had its base in a hut in the school grounds.  A great deal of community service was undertaken in that framework.

This extract from ‘The School Year 1927-8’ describes the community work done by Leighton Park boys for several years in the 1920s:

‘The main object of the Camp is to provide a good holiday for 24 of the poorest boys from the town of Reading, who would not otherwise get any holiday at all. The first selection of boys is made for us through the kind offices of the Reading Council of Social Welfare, and some account of their home life and circumstances is supplied, so that Leighton Park boys obtain some idea of economic surroundings very different from their own. The running of the camp is almost entirely in the hands of Leighton Park boys. On them falls the onus of catering, cooking and entertainment, and elaborate preparations are made for these beforehand. The spirit of the camp is one of service, and the expenses are made entirely from voluntary contributions and payments from Leighton Park campers. Fellowship and happiness come from it and the change in the physical condition of the Reading boys after 10 days of fresh air and good food must be seen to be believed.’

Bill Brown was also one of the organisers of a link with a school in a deprived area of South Wales. It was an area of great poverty and terrible social conditions, badly affected by the General Strike and the economic crisis of the twenties and thirties. Some would say that LP pupils benefited as much as the people in the community they were helping: their life experience and character were enriched by the contact.

There was an overall acceleration of work for the local community in the 1930s, and the stated aims of the school at that time made prominent mention of the opportunities for social service and the regular exposure through lectures and discussions, to political and social issues locally, nationally and internationally.

Edgar Castle (Headmaster 1928 to 1948) was often quoted in newspapers, his educational ideas being regarded as progressive and innovative at the time. In 1929 his Speech Day address was widely reported:’

‘A public school will fail in its office if it does not send forth young men who have not only the willingness but the ability and technique to serve where service is needed.’

It was in this period that several Leighton Park boys became extensively involved in the League of Nations and in the active pursuit of peace. The school’s membership of the Council for Education in World Citizenship brought with it the opportunity to attend conferences, invite speakers to the school and generally widen the horizons of the pupils. Many Old Leightonians have devoted much of their adult life to social work and the cause of social justice, and some have actually identified Leighton Park as the cradle of their social conscience.

Since that time, Community Service has been a significant aspect of a Leighton Park education. At times, involvement has been compulsory – for many years Friday afternoon was the appointed time – but it has mostly been a voluntary activity. Typical regular activities have included visiting the elderly, arranging concerts and sharing hobby interests with them, helping out in local primary school and schools for children with special needs, helping in hospitals, lending a hand at the Mayor’s Market and other local charity ventures, decorating local community facilities.

One of the regular services in the fifties and sixties was the chopping of wood on the park for delivery to local elderly people. One assumes that this activity had been properly risk assessed and was in compliance with health and safety legislation!

For decades, one of the popular times for choosing a community services activity was the Hobbies Fair at the beginning of the school year. For decades, one of the popular times for choosing a community service activity was the Hobbies Fair at the beginning of the school year. Juliet Straw is seen here with Alyn Still in 1989.

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