
We offer a broad selection of scholarships to current and prospective students. These range from Honorary Scholarships to Head's Scholarship, which may carry a fee remission of between 5-30% of Day Student fees. The majority of these awards will be made at the lower end of this scale with higher fee remissions reserved for exceptional candidates. Equally as important is the support the students receive to develop their talents and excel in their field. Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

About scholarships

At Leighton Park, a limited number of scholarships are granted for entry to Year 7, Year 9 and Sixth Form, to prospective and existing students of the School.

Awarded on the basis of a competitive process, candidates can apply for any combination of scholarships but can only receive a fee remission of up to a maximum of 30% of the Day Fee. The Scholar enjoys benefits from a package of support with exclusive access to facilities to help them develop their talents. Scholarships are intended to recognise exceptional talent. If affordability is a limiting factor for families then they should look at our Bursaries, which offer means-tested awards.

Once received, a scholarship customarily lasts throughout the student’s time at Leighton Park but is subject to a satisfactory review of progress each year.

How to apply

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

You can read more in our Scholarships Booklet.

Read our Scholarships Policy +
Girl painting a portrait

Categories of Scholarship

There are four categories of scholarship. Each scholarship offers a programme of support for each Scholar in their specialist area and carries a level of responsibility to act as an ambassador for their subject.

Scholarship packages include exciting benefits such as free instrumental lessons in Music or membership of our Advanced Performer Programme (APP) and access to our Go Perform partnership in Sport.

Explanations of each scholarship programme; the application process, benefits and expectations, are detailed on this page.

If you should have any additional queries please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected] or call 0118 987 9608.

TitleAreas CoveredAward
Head's Scholarship AwardAcademic, Art, Dance, Drama, Music, SportRange from 5-30% fee remission of day fees (plus two free music lessons per week for Music Scholars)
Sixth Form Scholarship AwardEthical Changemaker, International Baccalaureate (IB), STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths)Range from 5-30% remission of day fees
Exhibition Scholarship AwardAcademic, Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Sport£500 award (plus one free music lesson per week for Music Scholars)
Honorary Scholarship AwardAcademic, Art, Dance, Drama, Music, SportHonorary (plus one free music lesson per week for Music Scholars)
Girl sewing

"The teachers make you recognise that you have to put the hard work in and it's not just them pushing you, you have to push yourself."

Rhiannon, Lower Sixth


Academic Scholarships cannot be applied for for Year 7 or Year 9 entry.

Year 7 candidates will be selected following the entrance tests and will be invited to attend an individual interview with a member of the English or Maths department.

Year 9 candidates will be selected following the entrance tests and will be given the choice of subjects to be assessed on. They will have a Scholar’s interview with a member of our academic team.
Internal candidates should submit the application form publicised via the weekly eBulletin.
The Academic Assessment Day for Year 9 candidates is Wednesday 27th November.

Lower Sixth candidates will need to apply for an academic scholarship. Candidates will be invited to sit written assessments in a maximum of 2 subjects and have a Scholar’s interview with a member of our academic team.

Please note, that in order to suitably assess a candidate’s natural academic aptitude, we will not be issuing exemplar test papers or any further details regarding Scholar’s interviews in advance of the scholarship assessment day. Students are unable to take the French, Spanish or Mandarin paper if this is a home language, spoken by one or more parents.

Every Lower Sixth student will be required to submit a maximum of 250 words expressing why they would like to be a Scholar in their chosen subject(s).

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

  • This scholarship offers up to 30% remission of the day fee
  • Additional support within the Scholar’s relevant academic department
  • Subject-specific opportunities to broaden and contextualise learning, including trips and sessions with external partners
  • Academic Scholar lunches: a chance to debate concepts and opinions with other Scholars and staff
  • Academic Scholar trips: A chance to explore and experience interesting events
  • Academic Scholar symposiums: A chance to grow through greater depth of understanding in particular topic areas

Scholars are expected to make an active contribution to departments and their own development through:

  • Being an academic ambassador within the School, entering relevant competitions, attending related trips and extension activities
  • Acting as a mentor to support younger students
  • Working with others to raise the profile of academia both internally and at outreach events
  • Extending knowledge by participating in, and leading, activities and clubs

Art and Design

Candidates are requested to submit a portfolio of work and a maximum of 250 words expressing why they would like to be an Art Scholar at Leighton Park.

The portfolio is one of the most important aspects of the Scholarship submission. It should show an understanding of representational drawing, as well as a personal response to the individual’s own experiences, environment and culture. The work submitted need not be restricted to drawings and paintings, but may show evidence of a broad area of study, which might include, for example, prints, photographs or ceramics. Within a portfolio we are looking for the ability to record observations and experiences, develop ideas through various materials and techniques, and communicate ideas and feelings in a visual form.

Candidates successful at the initial screening will be invited to take a short practical exam. In advance of the assessment day, candidates will receive an examination paper and are advised to spend some time producing preliminary/supporting studies. This work forms a very important part of the examination. We are looking for ideas from various sources, the development of these ideas and an ability to work independently towards a final piece. The final piece will need to be produced unaided and under supervision in the Art Department.

In the final stage of the assessment process each candidate is interviewed by a member of the Art Department. This is an opportunity to discuss their portfolio and general interests.

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

  • This scholarship can offer up to 30% remission of the day fee
  • National Art Pass that permits free entry to over 240 galleries and museums, as well as 50% off entry to major exhibitions including those at Tate, the V&A and more
  • Co-curricular opportunities including Dressmaking, Life Drawing and Flexi Art Club as well as departmental trips to galleries and industry events
  • Additional one to one support to develop technique and skill

Scholars are expected to make an active contribution to the Art Department and their own development through:

  • Participation in art exhibitions, competitions and events in order to inspire others
  • Attending art trips to galleries and cultural institutions, where possible
  • Advancing work to new levels, in terms of scale, use of materials and intellectual enquiry
  • Assisting with studio duties, taking responsibility for the space and general upkeep
  • Showing commitment to art enrichment opportunities, such as Drawing Club
  • Developing art study further by selecting GCSE / A Level Art & Design and / or Textiles


Candidates are requested to provide support for their application in the form of examination certification (RAD, ISTD, BBO, NATD). If this is not available, information on the student’s involvement relating
to performance, choreography, critical appreciation or design within dance should be provided. Candidates are also required to submit a maximum of 250 words expressing why they would like to be a Dance Scholar at Leighton Park.

The Dance Department encourages applications from students interested in all aspects of performance, and wishes to emphasise that scholarships are also open to students who are keen to pursue their interest in the choreographic, critical analysis and design aspects of dance.

Candidates successful at the initial screening, will be invited to audition. The dance audition performance will be a choreographed solo in response to a selected stimulus. In the final stage of the assessment process each candidate will take part in a group practical workshop followed by an interview with a member of the Dance Department. This is an opportunity to discuss their dance ambitions and general interests.

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

  • This scholarship can offer up to 30% remission of the day fee
  • Access to a purpose-built dance studio
  • Co-curricular opportunities including the annual Let’s Dance performance, masterclasses with various companies such as Rambert and visits to the theatre to observe dance companies such as Matthew Bourne
  • Development of physical, technical, expressive and choreographic skill
  • Development of life skills; confidence, perseverance, communication and co-operation

Scholars are expected to make an active contribution to the Dance Department and their own development through:

  • A passion for dance and a genuine interest in learning about dance as a discrete subject
  • Participation in all dance opportunities such as masterclasses and trips offered
  • Excellent attendance and positive behaviour in the classroom, workshops and educational visits
  • Seeking and accepting leadership responsibilities for performance projects such as co-ordinating and communicating with other students
  • Dedication to developing dance study further by selecting GCSE / A Level Dance


Candidates are requested to provide support for their application in the form of examination certification (LAMDA/RADA) or some form of drama grading. If this is not available, information on the student’s involvement relating to performance, design or technical support within drama must be provided. Students are also required to submit a maximum of 250 words expressing why they would like to be a Drama Scholar at Leighton Park.

The Drama Department encourages applications from students interested in all aspects of performance, and wishes to emphasise that scholarships are also open to students who are keen to pursue their interest in the technical and design aspects of theatre.

Candidates successful at the initial screening will be invited to audition or present their portfolio. The audition performance could be any scripted piece from any medium and time period or even an original presentation devised by the student themselves. The design portfolio, which is also to be submitted, could include original designs for costume, lighting or sound together with any visual evidence of the candidate’s interest in these areas.

In the final stage of the assessment process each candidate is interviewed by a member of the Drama Department. This is an opportunity to discuss their theatrical ambitions and general interests.

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

  • This scholarship can offer up to 30% remission of the day fee
  • Opportunities to extend learning beyond the classroom and undertake directing, performing and/or design responsibilities
  • Leadership roles whereby Scholars can develop their own creative projects and performances
  • Additional one to one support appropriate to the Scholar’s ambitions

Scholars are expected to make an active contribution to the Drama Department and their own development through:

  • Auditioning for each performance opportunity that the Drama Department offers
  • Attending all Drama performances, rehearsals or activities, where possible
  • Seeking and accepting leadership responsibilities for performance projects such as co-ordinating other students and communicating with them
  • Developing Drama study further by selecting GCSE / A Level Drama

International Baccalaureate

This scholarship is open to Lower Sixth candidates applying for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme.

Candidates will be invited to a Scholar’s interview with a member of our senior academic team and they will be required to write a scholar’s essay.  

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

  • This scholarship offers up to 30% remission of the day fee 
  • Additional support from our Aspiring High programme 
  • High profile representation on the IB Diploma programme and the School’s Oakleaf Personal Development Diploma 
  • Opportunities to broaden and contextualise learning, including trips and sessions with external partners 
  • Scholar lunches: a chance to debate concepts and opinions with other Scholars and staff 
  • Scholar trips: A chance to explore and experience interesting events 
  • Scholar symposiums: A chance to grow through greater depth of understanding in particular topic areas. 

Scholars are expected to make an active contribution to the IB Diploma programme, their respective departments and their own personal development through: 

  • Being an IB Diploma programme ambassador within the School, entering relevant competitions, attending related trips and extension activities 
  • Acting as a mentor to support younger students 
  • Working with others to raise the profile of academia both internally and at outreach events 
  • Extending knowledge by participating in, and leading, activities and clubs 
  • Being an active member of our Aspiring High programme. 


Candidates are requested to provide support for their application in the form of graded examination and theory certificates (if applicable). If the student’s current music teacher would like to provide a reference, this should be included in their application. Students are also required to submit a maximum of 250 words expressing why they would like to be a Music Scholar at Leighton Park. Both practical performers and aspiring composers are encouraged to apply.

Candidates will be asked to perform two contrasting pieces for the first instrument offered and one for any subsequent instrument. Compositions can be included as an ‘instrument’. Voice is included as an instrument.

In the final stage of the assessment process each candidate is interviewed by our Director of Music, and is encouraged to talk generally about their musical experience and ambitions. We expect students to demonstrate evidence of widening musical interests and to complete some aural tests.

Please note candidates are assessed on the basis of musical potential as well as prior musical achievement. Associated Board practical exams and other examination boards are a useful indicator but other factors are considered.

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

  • This scholarship can offer up to a 30% remission of the day fee
  • One or two free instrumental lessons of thirty minutes each per week (dependent on scholarship awarded)/ These lessons are available with Leighton Park instrumental teaching staff only and are given in the Music Department. Please note that these lessons are non-transferable out of School to other external teachers
  • Performance in our wide range of concerts throughout the School year
  • Involvement in workshops, including those with visiting guest musicians
  • One to one regular support with a professional accompanist and our Director of Music
  • Immersion in a variety of musical projects with our Music Education Partner, Yamaha UK and our certified training partner, Steinberg
  • Opportunities to showcase their musical abilities in smaller one off projects
  • Support from an experienced team for applications to top Conservatoires and universities to study Music

Scholars are expected to make an active contribution to the Music Department and their own development through:

  • Participating fully in the musical life of the School including concerts and the co-curricular programme
  • Being an ambassador for the Music Department and ensuring that behaviour at rehearsals and concerts reflects this
  • Performing in a range of concerts throughout the School year including the Scholars’ Concert each Spring Term
  • Selecting GCSE Music and by developing their study of music further in the Sixth Form
  • Develop and lead their own activities and ensembles
  • Apply for membership of county and national ensembles and enter competitions


Candidates are requested to provide evidence of playing for a rugby, cricket, hockey, netball, football, tennis or athletics team at county level or equivalent, or be on an advanced pathway, to support their application. Students who play alternative sports will also be considered but should be able to evidence playing their sport at a level that is considered elite. It must be noted that the final decision on these criteria will be down to the discretion of the Director of Sport.

Students are also required to submit a maximum of 250 words expressing why they would like to be a Sports Scholar at Leighton Park.

Candidates are asked to submit references from clubs/trainers inside or outside of school can also be submitted along with competition results, personal bests and other evidence of achievement. Successful candidates will be expected to attend an assessment day during which they will participate in a range of sports and will cover sports specific practices and conditioned games. They will be assessed on their general level of fitness through aptitude tests, their adaptability and ability to transfer and link their dominant skills to other sports, their response to coaching and their leadership skills.

In the final stage of the assessment process each candidate is interviewed by the Director of Sport. Students are encouraged to talk generally about their sporting experience and ambitions.

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

  • This scholarship can offer up to 30% remission of the day fee
  • The Advanced Performer Programme (APP) provides bespoke strength and conditioning, monitoring and tracking of fitness and wellness data, exclusive trips and monthly seminars
  • Sports Science support package provides a termly functional movement screening and consultation with our local conditioning and rehabilitation centre and partners, GoPerform
  • Access to in-depth feedback from professionals on specific areas to improve sporting performance
  • End of year fitness tests conducted at MoveHQ

Sports Scholars are expected to play a leading role in the sporting life of the School and should give a high level of commitment to School sport across all three terms throughout their school career.

  • Representing the School or their House on all appropriate occasions
  • Being an active member of the Advanced Performer Programme, attending weekly strength and conditioning sessions and the Friday meeting, where possible
  • Being actively involved in School sport, playing 1st team for the appropriate age group in at least one sport. If this isn’t possible then outside of School to be still representing the School in the major sports each term
  • Display excellent conduct in lessons, training or competitions as an ambassador for the PE Department
  • Being actively involved in sport outside of School, playing at least one sport at county level (or equivalent)
  • Leading or helping with sports hobbies or offering opportunities to share your expertise with other students in your chosen sport at least once during the year

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Maths)

This scholarship is for Sixth Form candidates only. The STEAM Scholarship recognises excellence in creative problem solving and interdisciplinary approaches, where students are able to demonstrate a passion for tackling complex problems by combining creative habits of mind with the analytical skills from STEM.

Applicants should be able to demonstrate good grades in any relevant subject alongside a strong interest in, and capability for, entrepreneurial and interdisciplinary approaches. They should have a passion for creative problem solving and innovative thinking with a desire to change the world for the better.

Students are required to submit their application form which includes a maximum of 500 words expressing why they would like to be a STEAM Scholar at Leighton Park.

Successful candidates will then be invited to a formal selection process for which they will need to submit a portfolio of evidence such as letters of recommendation, class work, practical work or visual media, and prepare a 5 minute presentation on what they would do to promote STEAM at Leighton Park. They will also be asked to read up and reflect on current issues and developments as they will be asked about something in STEAM that has inspired them recently.

During the selection process there would also be an unseen task, which students will be given 10 minutes prior to the interview to prepare for, and a short general interview.

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

  • This scholarship can offer up to 30% remission of the day fee
  • Support with exploring passions and developing innovations and ideas
  • Access to a range of trips and experiences across STEAM, including linking with businesses and universities
  • Support and encouragement to be a changemaker and make a difference, with the opportunity to be involved in a number of innovative programmes looking at the most important challenges we face

Scholars are expected to make an active contribution to STEAM and their own development through:

  • Completion of projects, developing their own ideas and innovations
  • Attending trips and experiences to broaden their knowledge and understanding
  • Participation in academic competitions across different STEAM subjects
  • Engagement in the STEAM co-curricular programme, including supporting/leading a club in their own area of interest
  • Champion STEAM, mentor younger students and act as an ambassador within the School as well as externally

Ethical Changemaker

This scholarship is for Sixth Form candidates only. The Ethical Changemaker Scholarship recognises students with a determined desire to change the world. This scholarship aims to give the School’s Quaker values currency and purpose and focuses on values-led leadership and active citizenship.

This focus draws on the impressive history of Quakers who set up forward-thinking businesses that treated staff and suppliers fairly and created social good, such as Cadburys, and well-known charities
and campaigning organisations, such as Amnesty International.

Candidates should be able to demonstrate good grades in relevant examinations to date e.g. Global Perspectives, Geography, Religious Studies or Philosphy, as well as a track record of success in one or more of the following areas:

  • A strong commitment to ethical approaches, equality and sustainability
  • An interest in entrepreneurial or business approaches to tackling social or environmental issues
  • A deep desire to be a changemaker in society
  • The capabilities to influence and lead others, and
  • A willingness to engage with external people from the wider community to arrange topical talks in School with outside speakers.

Candidates are required to submit a maximum of 500 words expressing why they would like to be an Ethical Changemaker Scholar.

This process will include a presentation on a suitable topic which will be followed by panel interview. The topic for the presentation will be communicated at the appropriate time.

Applications for entry in September 2025 are now closed. Dates for entry in September 2026 will be available shortly.

  • This scholarship can offer up to 30% remission of the day fee
  • Extending knowledge by attendance at, and participating in, ethical events on and off site
  • Developing leadership skills by supporting and running activities and clubs within the academic and co-curricular programmes
  • Meeting external contacts and networking in socially and ethically responsible circles

Scholars are expected to make an active contribution to departments and their own development through:

  • Taking a leading role in relevabt co-curricula activities.
  • Attending our Sixth Form charity group, Amcius, Amnesty Youth International and Social Enterprise weekly meetings, and coordinating projects and campaigns as part of these groups.
  • Leading on House Charity fundraising for your house and modelling best practice for others

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