Student wellbeing and pastoral care

The School has been recognised as a national leader in this area, gaining the Wellbeing Award for Schools accredited by the National Children's Bureau and winning the Independent Schools Association (ISA) national award for Excellence in Pupil Personal Development. We are currently a Finalist for Pastoral Development of the Year Award with the National Association of Pastoral Care in Education (NAPCE)
Read our Wellbeing Award report
Fryer Co-ed on the Park

Our Quaker values

Our Quaker values of honesty, integrity and equality underpin the relationships between students and teachers, with an emphasis on mutual respect. Our starting point is to support students to develop a strong sense of self and then do everything we can to help them succeed.

Our Quaker values influence our strong pastoral care in the following ways:

  • Silent reflection built into School day, helping our students to be purposeful and kind to each other
  • Calling teachers by their first names breaks down some of the traditional barriers to communication and helps students to feel they will be listened to
  • An emphasis on students understanding and appreciating difference ensures students are supportive of each other – helping individuals to try new things and develop a strong sense of self
  • Sport and music for all approach is inclusive and brings the community together.
Our Quaker ethos +
Award Pupil Personal Development

An outstanding co-ed experience for our girls and boys

We firmly believe in the value of girls and boys learning together, while tailoring the experience for every individual.

  • We won the national Feminista Action Award 2024
  • We are one of 10 Ambassador Schools in the UK for the Female Lead Society
  • We became the first senior school in the UK to partner with #HerGameToo
  • Our girls benefit from the Girls on Board programme to give them the skills to resolve any friendship challenges
  • Our boys benefit from our LP Bros programme, equipping them with the skills to succeed in the modern world
  • Our inclusive approach lets students explore their interests in a kind and supportive environment.

Close tutor support

All independent schools have a tutor system but ours has some important differences to strengthen this key relationship and provide students with exceptional academic and pastoral support. Close and frequent contact helps tutors to develop very close relationships with their tutees and pick up on small details that might be missed in other schools:

  • 11 students per tutor group, much smaller than most schools
  • Tutor sees tutees for allocated time every day, enabling very close support
  • Regular contact between parents and tutors
  • MyConcern system to enable staff to note small issues, which can be triangulated to identify any concerns
  • Tutor system complimented by our Houses structure to give students a valuable sense of belonging in the School.
Fryer co-ed fence

Safeguarding Team

nicky hardy

Nicky Hardy

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Natasha Coccia

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Elaine Newall

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Eddie Falshaw

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Rachel Barnard

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Alex Leighton

Alex Leighton

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

An inclusive learning environment
Take a look +

The small size of our community means our staff get to know each student as an individual and meaningful connections are made.

We have high expectations of our students. We recognise that young people will get things wrong from time to time and will support them to learn from mistakes. We believe that pupils are entitled to explanation and discussion, helping them to grow and encouraging self-discipline.

We are absolutely committed to our School being a supportive, inclusive learning environment where young people can explore their talents and interests. We will therefore not tolerate repeated poor behaviour, any examples of bullying or discrimination, or other conduct that impacts negatively on the learning, wellbeing or personal growth of other students.

Equitable inclusion

Dedicated Healthcare Professionals

As a Boarding School we have a dedicated on site Health Centre with a team of three professional nursing staff available 24/7. Boarders’ medical needs are expertly managed by the team with the support of our local GP surgery. Should Day students become ill during the School day, they will be cared in the Health Centre for until collection by parents.
Mental Health Support is provided by our full time Pastoral Intervention Practitioner supported by a team of external counsellors, whose experience in managing a broad range of concerns is invaluable.
The School also subscribes to a Wellbeing Hub giving parents free access to a plethora of resources which can build knowledge and develop skills to help handle parenting adolescents through the teenage years.

The School has a great reputation for accepting difference and that is a very good asset to have. As a community, we not only tolerate diversity, but embrace it, and that is rare to find in a school.

Spencer, Head Boy

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