Meet our students

Young people of real character and independence

A Quaker approach to education believes in the inherent worth of each individual, recognising that each young person has unique talents. We seek to unearth young people of real character and independence; individuals who are free-thinking with a clear, confident self-awareness.

Leighton Park students succeed as themselves

There is not a ‘Leighton Park student’. We do not wish to form students in a particular image. Instead, our students value self-discovery, emphasising breadth and depth, the spiritual and the empathetic, they have the drive to follow their passions and to succeed as themselves.

See what our students think

Aamina A*, A, A at A Level | English Literature, University of Edinburgh

“When I joined the school everyone was incredibly supportive when I needed help with anything. This is something that I didn’t experience as much at my previous school, and is one of the reasons why I enjoyed my time at LP so much.”

Adriana in lab coat and safety glasses

Adrianna A*, A*, A at A Level | Medicine, University of Manchester

“I truly appreciate Leighton Park for the kind atmosphere, which is advocated by everyone, it really is unlike all other schools and coming here from a foreign country it was hard to adapt but there was a lot of support at LP. I admire that this school helps you evolve; I’ve gained a level of independence and confidence in both my work and as a person. The ethos in this school, which stems from the Quaker values, is much more than just that, using first names when referring to teachers has made a gateway of communication where I feel teachers are always happy to help me with any issues I may have.”

Ahmer Adnan smiling

Ahmer A*, A*, A*, A at A Level with an A* for EPQ | Medicine, Imperial College

“Sixth form at LP is a truly unique experience. In the classroom, teachers push you to your academic limits and provide support to develop you beyond them, fuelling a life long passion for your subjects and helping you achieve to the best of your ability. We are encouraged to think ‘outside the box’, beyond the syllabus and research topics of interest. Not only does LP develop you academically but also as a person.”

Ananya smiling

Ananya 41 Points on IB | English and History, University of Warwick

 I like the different platforms in which students can express their concerns and ask for change, such as the Monthly Meeting or Food Council, as I feel that it makes LP unique and shows that the student opinion is valued.


Angelika 38 points on IB Diploma International Relations, King’s College London

“Leighton Park has helped me find and exercise the passion that is now guiding me through my interests, education and career. It’s also a place where I have found true and lifelong friends. Pursuing the IB has prepared me well for university, equipping me with skills that allowed me to excel in my studies while making time for causes that are important to me.”

head shot of Annie Milhoffer smiling

Annie A*, A*, A*, A* at A Level | Engineering at University of Cambridge

“I appreciated having access to nature around the park at LP, as it helped me stay focused and calm during exams, as well as helping my mental health. I also valued the teachers’ inclusivity, as they encouraged me to go into STEAM subjects and organized activities to help me feel more comfortable with studying engineering at uni.”

IB Diploma Programme - Antonia at Old School

Antonia 43 points on IB | Medicine, a university in Germany

“Being at Leighton Park school has helped me grow as a person in so many ways. At Leighton Park school everybody is accepted for who they are and gets supported in every possible way to achieve their goals. As IB allowed me such a wide range of subjects (including TOK), I feel prepared to take the next step and start studying medicine in September. I will always remember those two wonderful years at Leighton Park school and the awesome community who supported me in every situation.“

Becky A,A, A at A Level | Politics & International Relations, University of Exeter

My experience joining the Sixth Form was extremely welcoming and I felt that I was able to adjust to a new school really quickly. Of the two years I spent here, there was so much to get involved in and not just for academics, which created such an accepting and lively atmosphere in the school. The friendliness of the students and teachers provides a great environment for learning.
IB Diploma Programme - head shot of Cecilia

Cecilia 40 points on IB | Psychology, UCL

“LP has really opened new perspectives for me as it’s such an international and inclusive community. Relationships with peers and teachers based on values of respect and equality has given me courage and confidence to interact with the wider world.  I’m grateful for spending the most important five years in LP.”

Cem A*, A*, A*, A* at A Level | Engineering, University of Cambridge

“Studying at Leighton Park has been an incredible journey for me. I enjoyed every phase of it. I’ve had the privilege of meeting creative students and dedicated teachers who helped me think critically and deeply about myself and my subjects. The supportive community and enriching environment have made my time at Leighton Park truly unforgettable. I am grateful for the experiences and friendships I have gained.”

Chunya on sports field

Chunya A*, A, A at A Level | Management, University of Surrey

“Leighton Park is like no other school. The Leighton Park difference is individualism. In an ever moving world of generic examinations and standardised testing, it is the needs of each individual student that are cherished here. What Leighton Park does exceptionally well is harness the ability of an individual to be who they are and who they can become, allowing their talents to shine throughout the School.”

Danielle smiling at someone out of shot

Danielle 41 Points on IB | Psychology, University of Exeter

“One of the main things about LP that made it stand out from other schools I visited is its sense of inclusiveness. Here everyone is given an opportunity to try new things, learn and grow as a person. I feel as though at Leighton Park people are accepted for who they are and provided a safe space to excel and thrive. Additionally, the fact that Leighton Park is international has given me the opportunity to make friends from all over the world. “

David Liu in Oxford


“The biggest difference that separates Leighton Park from other schools that I have been to is the respect and friendliness I felt from the teachers and students.  It creates an extremely enjoyable environment to live and study in.  Leighton Park has offered incredible help to me and everyone else as individuals, so that each could greatly benefit.  The friendships and memories I gained during my time at Leighton Park will be valued for the rest of my life.”

Delya boarding student

Delya 33 Points on IB | Neuroscience, University of Warwick

“I absolutely loved my time doing the IB at Leighton Park during Sixth Form! Boarding made the whole experience more fun, allowing me to make lots of new friends. Overall, my Sixth Form was not only about learning but also personal growth!”

Ella - architecture

Ella A*, A*, A* at A Level | Architecture, University of Manchester

“Joining sixth form at a new school could have been daunting and especially from living overseas. However, LP was extremely welcoming and friendly from my first day. Class sizes are such that you feel very supported by teachers and you get to know your class really well. I particularly loved my geography field trips! Most of all you get to be yourself at LP and you are encouraged to develop your own individual abilities and interests.”


Eloise 38 points on IB | Game Design and Development, London South Bank University

“I can honestly say that Leighton Park was a truly invaluable opportunity for developing my personal interests. Before attending I struggled to decide on a direction for my future, however the vastness of available activities, such as clubs, concerts and school productions, helped me to realise my potential within the arts. However I could not mention my development as an individual without giving credit to the endless support of open minded and encouraging staff members. Also, being able to take the IB meant that I could leave my options open in terms of further study, which is one of the main reasons I ended up choosing to take such a broad course at university.”

Esther in Oxford

Esther A*, A*, A at A Level with A* for EPQ | Music, University of Oxford

“I am endlessly grateful for my time at LP. It gave me the space to learn who I am, and the community to support me in doing so. It is a very special place and I know my years at the school will be forever treasured.”

head shot of Faye Mui

Faye A, A, A at A Level | Medicine, Queen's University Belfast

“The boarding house staff are really nice. My Deputy Head of House is extremely supportive with any problems I have. He would give me books to read and, because I do English, that is the most fantastic thing. I talk to him about personal problems, English problems, my books, I talk to him about my course work – and just generally the boarding house staff and boarding staff are just fantastic.”


Flick A, A, B at A Level | History, Univeristy of Exeter

“Leighton Park to me has been more than just a school, it is a second home. The teachers and students are incredibly supportive, and this encouraging community has allowed me to excel both personally as well as academically. What sets Leighton Park apart from other schools, is the countless opportunities and co-curriculars on offer, with the experiences I’ve gained through sport and music proving invaluable. Leighton Park cherishes the individual and unique qualities of their students, with such acceptance proving vital in enabling them to succeed, both within and outside of the school. I am so incredibly grateful for Leighton Park, for the friendships I have made through it and for making me the person I am today.”

Harry at Manchester

Harry A*, A, B at A Level | Economics, University of Manchester

“I have no doubt that my time at Leighton Park will forever stand as the most cherished seven years of my life. Not a day passes when I don’t miss the stunning Park and the community nurtured within it. Leighton Park truly embraces individuality, affording every student ample opportunity to excel in their chosen speciality. With the unwavering support of teachers who consistently go the extra mile to guarantee our success, there truly is no better place to be.”


Harriet A*, A*, A* at A Level | Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham

“I was encouraged in my passions by all my teachers and they really helped me to delve deeper into my subjects to further my understanding. DT have been particularly encouraging to support my crazy projects!”


Isaac A*, A*, A*, A at A Level l Engineering, Cambridge

“Leighton Park has allowed me to meet people with all kinds of personal traits, which leads to me making new friends until literally the last day of school.

Friendly teachers support throughout our A Level course and undertand our struggles as students. I will always remember these two years as a Leightonian.”


Jack Distintion*, Distinction and C at A Level, | Music, Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts

“Leighton park has provided me with countless opportunities throughout my studies. The staff and other students have always been so supportive, encouraging and inspirational to me and I wouldn’t be who I am without this school’s influence. A huge part of my development as a musician has been due to the amazing co-curricular programme, constantly offering chances to do what I enjoy the most with others who share a similar passion. Being at Leighton Park has helped define me as a person and has helped me develop my own vision for my future.”

head shot of Lihi Othnay

Lihi 37 points on IB - Psychology, University of Bath

“I really like the engagement between years at the school as well as the strong and reliable interaction between teachers. I feel very comfortable talking to anyone at any year and have made friends in a variety of year groups in addition to my own. In regards to the teachers, I think that they are very easy to talk to and the fact that we get to call them by their first names creates a very unique bond with them which I haven’t yet found elsewhere!”


Mandy A*, B, B, C at A Level | Psychology with Education, University of Warwick

“Leighton Park School has changed me a lot and has shown me that I can do a lot of things well. Not only academically, but I have developed personally. I have grown very much at this school.

Leighton Park School is more than just a school to me, it’s like a second home. I am very grateful to Leighton Park and my time at this school will be a happy memory for the rest of my life.”

Michael Rincon performing

Michael A*, A, A at A Level - Music, University of Southampton

“I like how active the School is in the arts and how prominent music and drama are at LP. I like how the school encourages you to be your own person and how the Quaker values are present in all aspects of School life making LP a unique community, not just a school.”

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme - Head shot of Millie

Millie 42 points on IB | English and French, University of Oxford

“Leighton Park is a rarity, and gave me a confidence in goodness…

I am endlessly grateful for the friends I’ve met in the past five years.”

Niam - Sixth Form case study

Niam A*, A, A at A Level | Dentistry, University of Birmingham

“I have fond memories of my 7 years at LP. I always loved the fact that there were so many opportunities and activities to get involved in which allowed me to broaden my horizons. The strong bonds you build with the teachers are like no other school I know of and I always got the sense that they truly cared. LP allows you to pursue your interests and they support you in any way they can.”

Head shot of Nikki Wilson

Nikki A*, A*, A at A Level - Music, Royal Northern College of Music

“What I really think makes Leighton Park different is that every single student’s individual experience can be tailored for what they love and what they are interested in. As a musician, I spent a lot of time in the music department and they provided me with so many opportunities to develop my skills, such as choir, orchestra, chamber choir, jazz band – the ISA Barber Shop competition and even a senior production, which this year was Chicago. Whatever you are passionate about, Leighton Park will have something for you. Everyone on the Park was so friendly and welcoming when I first joined. The same can really be said about the teachers. They are all so nice and if you ever need any help then all you have to do is ask them.”

Student Nuna, very happy after getting her IBDP results

Nuna 41 points on IB | Chemical Engineering, Lancaster University

“The best thing about the IB for me has been the community; being able to study with the same group of people, you get really close, even in lockdown everyone was studying together; we had study groups online. We just had to try to get through this weird and difficult time together.”

Head shot of Peter Bucek

Peter A*, A*, A* at A Level with A for EPQ | Economics, Durham University

“At Leighton Park, I was able to study the subjects I liked with truly the most focused and enthusiastic teachers, which made it engaging and enjoyable. The environment at LP was incredibly supportive and I’ve been enabled to be ambitious about my future plans, for which Leighton Park put me on the right path to fulfil.”


Qayyum A*, A*, A*, A at A Level | Computer Science, UCL

“Leighton Park has been an incredible place for me to grow, both academically and personally. I’ve had the privilege of learning alongside open-minded peers and dedicated teachers who have not only boosted my confidence but also helped me build a strong foundation of knowledge that will stay with me forever. What sets Leighton Park apart is the friendly and supportive relationship between students and teachers, which has made my learning experience truly enjoyable.”

Ravi Nathwani playing guitar

Ravi A, A, A at A Level | Music, The Royal Northern College of Music

“I have a huge debt to repay to the Leighton Park staff, especially music, for providing me with so many opportunities and having a belief in my abilities. I certainly wouldn’t be dreaming of a career in Music, let alone applying to conservatories, without their support.”


Rio 43 Points on IB | Medicine, University of Edinburgh

“Leighton Park offers something very special, from its acceptance and community to the wide range of opportunities for everyone. LP offers a great deal of support, and I am immensely thankful for it. I truly believe the way it has pushed me has allowed me to thrive.”

Head shot of student Rowan

Rowan 42 points on IB | Human Sciences, UCL

As the IB allowed me such a wide range of subject choices (and as I generally enjoyed them) I knew that I wanted the same breadth in my future university course, The Human Sciences course therefore seemed perfect to me as it combined several of my favourite subjects and required skills I had already learnt in the IB.

Shaun Uppal headshot

Shaun A*, A, A at A Level - Politics and International Relations, UCL

“I like the relaxed atmosphere of the school, where I can fully express my personality and grow as a person. In primary school, I was always the shy kid who didn’t really speak much. However, Leighton Park has given me the platform to fully express myself and over my time at LP, my self-confidence has risen massively and I feel like I have gained so much confidence at LP but also matured as a person. I also love the amazing opportunities we are given, for example activities and trips. No other school that I know offers such diverse activities and such incredible trips and I am forever grateful that my parents are able to send me to a school like Leighton Park.”

Sophia A, A, B at A Level | Psychology, Durham University

“Leighton Park was a wonderful experience for me – despite being an international student and away from home I found a welcoming community waiting for me. There were so many opportunities to explore my interests and passions within and beyond my subjects, and I loved getting involved in all sorts of clubs and house competitions. The boarding community also has a special place in my heart for always making sure I was happy, healthy and cared for.”


Teresa A*, A*, B, B at A Level | Economics, University of Edinburgh

“Leighton Park has been a second home for me where teachers and mates connect together as a family. There’s always some lovely moments that you would not feel lonely. For Sixth Form, teachers advise you whenever you need help, and with their supports, applying uni seems less difficult to cope with. Spending my three years in LP was the best decision as I gained not only happinesses but also academics.”

Wallance playing at House Music

Wallance A*, A*, A at A Level | Maths And Economics, LSE

There are so many reasons why I love LP, and the best thing is respect. I have never felt such strong respect from staff in my old schools. At LP you are taught patiently and kindly. Many of my teachers give up their own time to support us with our studies.”

IB Diploma Programme - Will

William 40 points on IB | Maths at University of Warwick

“Leighton Park was an unique and invaluable experience for me. I met incredibly interesting, talented and socially-conscious individuals both in the staff and student bodies who genuinely inspired me to give my all during my time there and made my time at LP unforgettable. Not to mention the Quaker values, which helped guide my social and academic life in the School and will do so in the future.”

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