June 19, 2021

Fryer Project Qualification Expo

The Fryer Project Qualification (FPQ) mentored by the Approaches To Learning (ATL) team is a right of passage for our Year 8s as they conclude their Lower School journey with this academic finale.

It is an endeavour which absorbs the year group for the whole of the Summer Term as they consider, research, debate, prepare and finally present on a subject about which they feel passionate. The concept of the FPQ is based on the Sixth Form opportunity to earn additional UCAS points and impress University Admissions departments through the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). An EPQ encourages in depth exploration of a topic, often related to the degree course being applied for and provides academic extension to Sixth Formers interested in furthering their understanding and knowledge.

The learning objectives behind the FPQ and the EPQ are basically the same with assessment based on the development of skills needed to manage a project, use resources, develop and realise a project and to review the project. At Leighton Park there is the opportunity to present live to an audience, receive feedback and field questions through the Sixth Form Expo and through the Fryer Project Qualification Evening.

Despite the pandemic, 2021 was no exception and although the format had to move online Year 8s were nervously excited on Friday 18th June when fellow Fryers and their families joined one of five  Google Meets over two hour long sessions to hear 53 presentations.

The topics were both entertaining and eclectic with a wide variety of subject matter including: Who I the evil character in Peppa Pig? Who is spying on us? How could we travel to the future? Is locking people up an effective punishment? What makes a successful football club? And How can we bring the cheetah population to a non-vulnerable level? Questions like ‘What is the most dangerous edible fruit or vegetable?’ were juxtaposed with ‘Why is it so hard to overcome addiction?’ and ‘Which Disney + movie has the highest human death toll’ with whether or not Kofi Annan deserved the Nobel Peace Prize. The presentations were all excellent and the Fryers were able to overcome their nerves to deliver effective and well researched speeches to an engaged audience. The questions were intelligent and probing and the pacey timetable kept everyone’s curiosity alert as the evening progressed.

Deputy Head of Fryer House, Merion Taynton, who was hosting Room 2 commented, “I was impressed with all the students’ presentations and felt privileged to be so involved in the final part of their Lower School learning journey. The diversity and complexity of topics chosen was exciting and interesting and I felt the students did really well fielding questions at the end of their presentations which showed their true understanding of the topic chosen and how well they had researched and understood the highly complex and sometimes controversial issues. The range of skills developed and demonstrated will stand them in very good stead for their future studies. I was enthralled by all of them!”

During Final Collect Jenny Powlesland, Director of Teaching and Learning, recognised students who had achieved particularly high marks, applauding Freida for ‘How likely is it that the simulation theory is true?’, Oliver for ‘Does time exist?’ and Rafe for ‘Is Nuclear Energy Sustainable?’.

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